Why We make you look

Half the U.S. population lives in dense, crowded places.


It’s easy to pretend like the what happens to the rest of the country doesn’t impact the 50% of you who enjoy uninterrupted access to legal and safe abortions. It’s reassuring to turn a blind eye to the state Republican majorities that are undermining clean air and water laws.

Is there anything easier than turning away?

It’s easy to point to states like Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, both Carolinas, and Tennessee and refer to the populations of these states as thoughtless rubes who vote against their bests interests.

You’re not wrong. But those voters have children who breathe the same air you do. Those children could be sexually assaulted. Those children need a safer and more welcoming world if all of us are going to survive.

Those voters are also overwhelming the members of rural, suburban, and urban communities who think differently, do differently, and want a world that functions a whole lot more like the coastal progressive enclaves that the rest of you keep flocking to.

I Made You Look is a St. Louis, Missouri-based news, culture and information website. We are situated in one of the great blue holdouts in an otherwise red state.

We are fighters. We aren’t giving up.

But…we need your help.

Pay attention. Engage. By all means, and at very least, stop turning away.
